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Scientific Monographs
The Coherent Heart - e-Booklet
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Item # ECOH
Heart-Brain Interactions, Psychophysiological Coherence and System-Wide Order
The Coherent Heart
provides an in-depth discussion of heart-brain interactions and the role of the heart in organizing systemwide coherence. Includes: Theoretical Considerations, Psychophysiological Networks, Benefits of Psychophysiological Coherence and its Measurement, A Typology of Psychophysiological States, how vagal afferent traffic inhibits pain perception and affects cognitive performance, difference between respiration and positive, emotion-driven coherence and the heart's roles in emotional experience and processing.
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The Appreciative Heart - e-Booklet
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Item # EAPH
The Psychophysiology of Positive Emotions and Optimal Functioning
This scientific monograph gives an overview of the physiological correlates of positive emotions and personal performance. The heart's association with positive emotions, wisdom and intelligence is central to most cultures, and now the latest research offers scientific validation for this relationship. Steps and applications of HeartMath’s Freeze Frame® and Heart Lock-In® techniques are provided to help engage the heart in transforming stress and sustaining coherence.
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The Energetic Heart - e-Booklet
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Item # EEGH
Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People
A fascinating monograph that explains the bioelectromagnetic interactions in and between people. Did you know your physiological systems constantly interact with each other in subtle ways, that the electromagnetic signal produced by your heart is registered in the brain waves of people around you? Discover why scientists believe the heart's electromagnetic field acts as a central synchronizing signal within the body and a carrier of emotional information.
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The Intuitive Heart - e-Booklet
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Item # ETIH
Accessing Inner Guidance To Raise Our Consciousness Baseline
Accessing intuition, the capacity for sensing or knowing things not immediately present or stored in the brain, has long been a source of cultural traditions and mystique and scientific research. Laypersons and scientists alike will appreciate this discussion’s insights, which confirm what we’ve suspected through the ages and expand on what we know and believe. Includes the widely acclaimed Freeze Frame® Technique and guidance for increasing intuitive capacity.
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Science of the Heart: Volume 2 - e-Book
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Item # ESOH
Versions available for Smart Phones and Pads, Nook or Kindle Readers
This insightful and comprehensive monograph provides fundamental and detailed summaries of HeartMath Institute’s many years of innovative research. It presents brief overviews of heart rate variability, resilience, coherence, heart-brain interactions, intuition and the scientific discoveries that shaped techniques developed to increase fulfillment and effectiveness. Included are summary reports of research conducted in the business, education, health and first responder fields. Both the layperson and science professional will appreciate its simplicity and thoroughness.
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The Science of Interconnectivity - e-Booklet
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Item # ETSI
Exploring the Human-Earth Connection
Classical physics for millennia has defined reality as a vast array of solid objects separated by empty space. Scientists today, however, suggest an unseen thread ties all things together, what the authors of the 34-page e-book call a “holistic web of interconnectedness.” They explore the emerging field view of reality and the four central hypotheses that drive HeartMath’s Global Coherence Initiative research, including that Earth’s magnetic fields carry biologically relevant information that connects all living systems. You’ll learn about the potential for increasing collective consciousness as people begin to better perceive their personal biofields and manage the energy they radiate
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Emotional Stress, Positive Emotions & Coherence - e-Booklet
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Item # ESPE
Changing Your Emotions – a New Approach to Stress Management
Until recently, stress research and treatment has largely derived from a belief that mental processes alone govern or activate the stress response. This scientific monograph explains in layman’s terms the latest stress research showing that emotions, more than thoughts, activate the physiological changes comprising stress responses. It describes how HeartMath’s simple tools engage positive emotions to permanently self-manage stress and break the cycle of recurring negative emotional patterns.
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Generating and Sustaining Positive Emotions - e-Booklet
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Item # ECRH
The Central Role of the Heart in Generating and Sustaining Positive Emotions
Learn about the science behind
heart coherence
, the psychophysiological state marked by calm, emotional balance and alertness that improves cognitive capability for problem-solving, decision-making, long-term memory and more. It explains the heart’s role in the emotional process and how intentionally experiencing positive emotions such as care, compassion and love can help you achieve heart coherence.
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Neurocardiology - e-Booklet
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Item # ENRO
Neurocardiology: Anatomical and Functional Principles
This technical monograph discusses the heart’s intrinsic nervous system, also known as the "heart brain." The anatomical organization and function of the intrinsic cardiac nervous system and its complex neuronal processing and memory capabilities are described. Learn how the heart brain, independent of the central nervous system, can process information and make decisions about its control.
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Heart-Brain Neurodynamics - e-Booklet
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Item # ENDY
The Making of Emotions
Explore recent scientific advances that clarify a number of central controversies in the understanding of emotion, including the relationship between intellect and emotion. A discussion of the critical role of ascending input from the heart and body to the brain in the generation of emotions culminates in a detailed presentation of a new model of emotion in which the brain functions as a complex pattern-matching system.
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Reducing Test Anxiety and Improving Test Performance e-Book
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Item # ETND
Reducing Test Anxiety and Improving Test Performance in America's Schools: Results from the TestEdge National Demonstration Study
— conducted by HeartMath Institute
This 372-page e-Book is the complete comprehensive text on this critical study, whose primary purpose was investigating the efficacy of HeartMath’s TestEdge programs for reducing stress and test anxiety and improving emotional well-being, quality of relationships and academic performance in public schools and students. Overall, the results showed substantial physiological, psychological, academic and social benefits for the students who participated.
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Facilitating Emotional Self-Regulation in Preschool Children
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Facilitating Emotional Self-Regulation in Preschool Children - A Research Study
Children as young as age 3 learned, practiced and retained socio-emotional skills taught in an Early HeartSmarts® Ages 3-6 pilot program in 19 Salt Lake City School District preschools. This comprehensive e-book details that highly successful pilot and study and the “compelling evidence” for how the program enhanced children’s growth in four key development areas. Includes discussions on the program’s science and the heart’s role in emotional experience.
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These e-Booklets reflect HeartMath Institutes 28 years of cutting-edge research.