The Energetic Heart - pdf
Item # EEGH - Pdf
The Energetic Heart - Pdf
Item # EEGH - Pdf
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The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People
By Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
Heart's Electromagnetic Field
This fascinating monograph, The Energetic Heart explains the bioelectromagnetic interactions within and between people. Did you know that when you’re not consciously communicating with others, our physiological systems are interacting in subtle and surprising ways? Or that the electromagnetic signal produced by your heart is registered in the brain waves of people around you? Or that your physiological responses sync up with your mate's during empathetic interactions? Discover why the heart's electromagnetic field is believed to act as a central synchronizing signal within the body, an important carrier of emotional information and a key mediator of energetic interactions between people. This 20-page monograph, explores the Institute of HeartMath and others' research on bioelectromagnetic interactions and how living and acting from a coherent heart state can affect those around us.
The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People
- 20 pages
- Diagrams, charts and graphs
- 4-color cover
- References
Content includes: Biological Patterns Encoded Information, The Heart’s Role in Emotions, Physiological Coherence, Bioelectromagnetic Communication Between People, Cardioelectromagnetic Communication, Electricity of Touch, Influence of the Heart’s Bioelectromagnetic Field on Cells and Conclusions and Implications for Clinical Practice.
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The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People By Rollin McCraty, Ph.D The Heart's Electromagnetic Field Did you know your physiological systems are interacting in subtle ways and the electromagnetic signal produced by your heart is registered in the brain waves of people around you? Or that your physiological responses sync up with your mate's during empathetic interactions? The Energetic Heart explains physiological coherence and the bioelectromagnetic interactions within and between people. You will discover why the heart's electromagnetic field is believed to act as a central synchronizing signal within the body, an important carrier of emotional information and a key mediator of energetic interactions between people. This 20-page monograph explores research on bioelectromagnetic interactions and how living and acting from a coherent heart state can affect those around us. - 20 pages Diagrams, charts and graphs
- 4-color cover
- References
Content Includes:- Biological Patterns Encoded Information
- The Heart’s Role in Emotions
- Physiological Coherence
- Bioelectromagnetic Communication Between People
- Cardioelectromagnetic Communication
- Electricity of Touch
- Influence of the Heart’s Bioelectromagnetic Field on Cells and Conclusions and Implications for Clinical Practice.