Leading Researcher Provides Practical Instruction, Advice for Troubling Times
Dr. Rollin McCraty, the institute of HeartMath’s widely recognized director of research, presents this remarkable and highly informative discussion on short- and long-term cognitive decline and how practicing heart-rhythm coherence can slow it and guide you through current and future crises. Practicing Coherence Enhances Cognitive Functions and Helps Offset Cognitive Declines is a practical seminar in which McCraty blends scientific analyses with easily understood terminology and examples. You’ll follow right along on your computer monitor as McCraty uses charts and color graphics in his instruction. Among other things, you’ll learn about heart-brain interactions, heart-rate variability, how you can rewire your brain in a matter of weeks to personal advantage by replacing unhealthful heart-rhythm patterns with healthy ones. Also in this 75-minute Webinar, McCraty discusses age-related cognitive decline and the effects of changing cortisol-DHEA ratios on the body and emotions. And, exclusive for Webinar listeners, McCraty provides instruction on an updated version of the Freeze Frame® Technique.
Charts, Graphics and Special Features:
Age-Related Changes in Motor Skills and Plasticity
Effects of Cortisol-DHEA Ratio Shifts
Benefits of Positive Emotions
Heart-Rhythm Patterns
Brainwaves during coherence
Heart rhythms during coherence
Effects of coherence training on combat veterans with PTSD
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